Truth be told, I am not one to usually make new years resolutions, but lately I have been trying to be more goal oriented. Aside from my
101 in 1001 which I will be working to complete all year, I have come up with 3 goals for the new year that I think are very relatable and achievable. So without further ado, here are my resolutions!
1. Better portion control
Overall, I think that I typically eat a fairly healthy diet, however, my portions are sometimes out.of.control. While I think its okay to overeat in some categories (i.e. vegetables), I really need to make a conscious effort to check exactly how much I am putting into my mouth..
especially when I go out to eat. It's so easy to overeat this day in age with the amount of food that is placed in front of you or just offered to you in general. I am going to try and split more entrees with whoever I am out to eat with or strive to take half of the portion home with me for another meal. This is also great because it can save you a lot of money in the long run as well. 2 meals for the price of 1? I'm always okay with that!
Here is a great article about how to decrease portion sizes and
this is a great interactive way to visualize how big a portion actually also has a large array of foods so you can check it for a variety of foods you eat! (can you tell I'm a nutrition major?)
Write down 1 thing per day I am thankful for (
I was gifted a journal this Christmas, and to be honest when I first opened it all I could think was what in the world am I going to use this for? I never physically write stuff down anymore, instead, it's always done on my phone, laptop, or iPad with the occasional sticky note to-do list or filling papers out at work. After contemplating and looking over my 101 list, I decided that the journal would be perfect for writing down something I am thankful for each day. I have already started this resolution & have been keeping the journal by my bed each night. Before I go to sleep, I write down my one thing & a little tidbit of why I am thankful for whatever it may be. It's a really gratifying and peaceful thing to do before going to sleep, and I can't wait to read back through the entire list one day.
3. Become a morning person again
I am one of those people who is so much more productive early in the morning than late at night. I usually prefer to go to bed before 10pm when possible and be up by 6. Unfortunately this has really not been the case that past 6 months. Although I have no problem being on time for morning classes or 8 am work, when I don't have something early I have fallen into a terrible habit of staying up past midnight doing nothing (aka watching netflix) and then sleeping in until 9 or 10. Whenever I sleep so late I have a hard time getting up and going and getting things accomplished that day. Not to mention I never feel rested. So, I am really striving to go to sleep at the same time each night & get up earlier in the new year. When I was a freshman in college, my roommate, Katie, and I used to go to 5:30am classes at the gym on a regular basis. I really miss doing this and would love to get back into that routine (not to mention its a great way to get the day started & you're left with energy for the whole day).
So these are my 3 resolutions for the new year. What are some of yours?? I always love reading other peoples plans for the year. I will keep you guys updated on how mine are going.